Identification Service
  1. As a service to the research community, USU offers, on a cost-recovery basis, an identification service for Ichneumonidae (other Hymenoptera families are not accepted).
  2. Determinations will be undertaken at USU's discretion by arrangement with Dr. David Wahl, to whom an initial approach should be directed. Contact information:

    Dr. David Wahl
    Department of Biology
    Utah State University
    5305 Old Main Hill
    Logan, UT 84322
    e-mail: (dr_x [at] msn [dot] com)

  3. Specimens should be properly pinned and clearly labeled with locality, date, collector, and (where appropriate) host. Examples of acceptable labels (printed with 4 or 5 pt. type on white cardstock/heavy paper that is acid-free archival quality) are:

    USA: Virginia, Fairfax Co.
    Great Falls Park, 50 m, 38°
    59.1'N, 77° 14.8'W; 18.viii-
    4.ix.2009; D.R. Smith;
    Malaise Trap

    USA: Maine, Washington
    Co., 3.9 mi SE Steuben,
    Eagle Hill Inst., 44° 27'
    34.3''N, 67° 55'57.7''W;
    17-22.viii.2014; D.B. Wahl

  4. Dr. Wahl should be contacted if there are questions regarding specimen preparation or shipping.
  5. The standard identification fee is $100 per species-lot for mounted and sorted specimens (a species-lot being a series of up to 10 conspecific individuals). Mounted but unsorted specimens will be charged at $130 per species-lot. Unmounted specimens may be identified, but as this incurs additional work, this material will be charged at $180 per species-lot. Identification charges are waived for residents of Utah.
  6. As USU is a reference and resource center for Ichneumonidae, it is understood that specimens submitted for identification at the rates given in (5) above will be permanently deposited in the USU collection; duplicate specimens will be returned to the customer when possible. Research-grade photographs of unique specimens will be supplied to the customer upon request. Identified unique specimens may be returned but an additional fee of $38 per species lot will be incurred.
  7. Payment must either be drawn on a US bank or an international money order. Make checks payable to: UTAH STATE UNIVERSITY.
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