Identification Service
- As a service to the research community, USU offers, on a cost-recovery basis, an identification service for Ichneumonidae (other Hymenoptera families are not accepted).
- Determinations will be undertaken at USU's discretion by arrangement with Dr. David Wahl, to whom an initial approach should be directed. Contact information:
Dr. David Wahl
Department of Biology
Utah State University
5305 Old Main Hill
Logan, UT 84322
e-mail: (dr_x [at] msn [dot] com)
- Specimens should be properly pinned and clearly labeled with locality, date, collector, and (where appropriate) host. Examples of acceptable labels (printed with 4 or 5 pt. type on white cardstock/heavy paper that is acid-free archival quality) are:
USA: Virginia, Fairfax Co.
Great Falls Park, 50 m, 38°
59.1'N, 77° 14.8'W; 18.viii-
4.ix.2009; D.R. Smith;
Malaise Trap
USA: Maine, Washington
Co., 3.9 mi SE Steuben,
Eagle Hill Inst., 44° 27'
34.3''N, 67° 55'57.7''W;
17-22.viii.2014; D.B. Wahl
- Dr. Wahl should be contacted if there are questions regarding specimen preparation or shipping.
- The standard identification fee is $100 per species-lot for mounted and sorted specimens (a species-lot being a series of up to 10 conspecific individuals). Mounted but unsorted specimens will be charged at $130 per species-lot. Unmounted specimens may be identified, but as this incurs additional work, this material will be charged at $180 per species-lot. Identification charges are waived for residents of Utah.
- As USU is a reference and resource center for Ichneumonidae, it is understood that specimens submitted for identification at the rates given in (5) above will be permanently deposited in the USU collection; duplicate specimens will be returned to the customer when possible. Research-grade photographs of unique specimens will be supplied to the customer upon request. Identified unique specimens may be returned but an additional fee of $38 per species lot will be incurred.
- Payment must either be drawn on a US bank or an international money order. Make checks payable to: UTAH STATE UNIVERSITY.